
24 hours in NYC

Tyler and i just got back from an awesome little week long adventure! 

we got some sweet connections and we just couldn't pass them up. we went to Grand Cayman Island to stay with some friends of ours using standby buddy passes! they are living there for a few months and invited us down since they have an extra bedroom! they are the best. it was our anniversary as well a few days earlier, so we went for it. and boy it was amazing. anyways, we had a quick 24 hour layover in NYC as well, but it was so cold! we only brought swim/beach clothing so we were dying haha. but, we still got to see the city for a bit! always an adventure!

more to come from our time in Grand Cayman! stay tuned. xx

1 comment:

  1. You guys make such a cute couple and i anxiously wait for your posts. All your posts are realy entertaining. It seems like you guys had a great time together on this trip.
